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This workbook (and accompanying video lessons) provides an engaging introduction to algorithms and critical thinking without requiring computer programming. 
  • Explore 17 different interactive lessons which explain how to draw, create, collaborate, encrypt, diagram, and more... all using algorithms. 
  • Learn to solve problems and apply critical thinking skills as you create, use, and improve algorithms that are drawn from the world around us. 
  • Understand how to recognize gaps and deficiencies as opportunities in disguise.









This workbook and the accompanying videos will equip students to think critically, create solutions, find answers to challenging questions, solve problems, and make decisionsā€¦.using algorithms.

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Buy the Book

This book can be purchased from several online retailers, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

Schools and retailers can also purchase this book through Ingram Content Group.

Access the Videos

If you already have the book you can follow these instructions to receive your included video course:

1. Claim your 100% OFF coupon code, then

2. Visit the "Store" page and redeem the code for FREE video access. 


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